The Many Uses of Outdoor Rubber Mats


Posted: December 3, 2009

When you think of flooring, you probably do not think of rubber matting, but there are many areas where rubber can provide a safer, more comfortable surface, reducing injuries and accidents, and creating a better environment for employees and customers.

One of the obvious uses of rubber tile and rubber floor mats is in an industrial setting, in print shops, factories and machine areas. In these areas, rubber anti-fatigue matting can reduce the incidence of slip-and-fall injuries, improve employee health by reducing fatigue from standing, and absorb vibration and noise to make the factory more pleasant to be in.

This is not the only use, however. Many public event venues such as hockey rinks and arenas use recycled rubber matting to dampen impact, reduce accidents and provide a durable flooring surface for the hundreds of thousands of people who visit their locations each year.

Any area where physical activity takes place is a great place for rubber flooring. Aerobic studios and martial arts studios often use interlocking rubber tiles to provide safe, comfortable surfaces for their members to work out on. Gym floors and weight rooms are excellent spots for rubber flooring to protect against falls and injuries and cushion shock. Yoga and judo are two specific activities where rubber floors can make a big difference in comfort.

And high drainage rubber tiles are perfect for swimming pool decks and bar areas. In these areas, slip-and-fall accidents are a major risk. By using rubber tiles that allow liquid to drain, you can reduce these injuries and keep your employees and visitors safe.

When thinking of uses for rubber flooring, don’t limit your thinking to protecting adults. Children’s areas, such as indoor playgrounds and daycare playrooms, are ideal locations for rubber play area matting. Kids, especially the little ones, tend to fall a lot, and a cushioned surface to fall on can make the difference between laughter and tears after a fall. Rubber tiles in nursery areas, changing rooms, and any other area where children play or spend time can create a much safer environment for little ones.

Rubber flooring is not limited to indoor areas, either. Outdoors, anywhere that you need protection for people or surfaces, rubber tiles can help. For instance, around trampolines, rubber matting can provide a safer landing than grass if someone should fall. In ball parks, rubber matting can protect floors from spikes. And anywhere grass needs protecting, including golf courses and high traffic areas outdoors, golf course mats and other outdoor rubber mats can create a pleasant surface while guarding the grass from injury.